
At Paperworks

We are committed to supporting the three pillars of Sustainability- Environmental, Social and Economic as an essential part of facing current and future global challenges. This policy outlines how we aim to achieve this through our working practice and values.

We pride ourselves on been a diverse employer regardless of gender, colour, age, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and we pride ourselves on equal rights and opportunities to all staff and trainees.


Our focus in this area will be recycling and re-using of materials wherever possible to reduce the impact on the environment. We have an agreement in place with a national waste/recycling company where all waste cardboard, paper and plastic are collected from us to be recycled or repurposed. We offer this service to all our commercial clients and even turn our waste cardboard into void fill for client orders.

We run inhouse courses for our trainees explaining the importance of recycling and the trainees take the lead recycling tins, cans, glass and anything else that can be recycled. We make weekly trips to the recycling centre based within 100 yards of Paperworks.
We have an agreement with a local firm where we reuse and repurpose their waste acrylic for items to be made on our laser cutter. This saves material going to landfill.

We are committed to supporting the three pillars of Sustainability- Environmental, Social and Economic as an essential part of facing current and future global challenges. This policy outlines how we aim to achieve this through our working practice and values.


This is at the heart of Paperworks values as it aims to create inclusive societies, reduce inequality, and ensure long-term well-being for all people while preserving social cohesion and justice.

We achieve this by creating a work environment for trainees within our workshop and warehouse and have jobs and experiences to suit everyone. Within this real work environment, it helps our trainees to flourish and reach their potential, something they could not do in an unsupported working environment.

Each trainee participates in wellbeing projects supporting individual need and celebrating individuality.

Provision for trainees to have a voice, give feedback, make choices and decisions whilst they are at Paperworks. We do this by having one to one reviews and within group work.


This pillar focuses on activities being conducted in such a way as to preserve and promote long-term economic well-being. In practice, it aims to create a balance between economic growth, resource efficiency and financial stability.

Paperworks promotes this pillar in two ways:

  • Through the management of its own resources and ensuring that as an organisation we are sustainable whilst also ensuring that all additional funds are placed back towards supporting trainees.
  • Through support offered at Paperworks through training sessions trainees themselves can manage in a small way their own budget. We will also respond to any gaps we see for financial inequalities, if possible, through accessing additional funding.


We have seen the cost-of-living crisis hit our trainees and their families hard. To help with this we managed to achieve funding and have now introduced 1 lunch per week for trainees who are most affected by poverty and who struggle to bring lunch with them. We will also signpost trainees to other support agencies for advice on economic matters.

Budgets are reviewed by Financial Specialist that sit upon the Paperworks board and are reviewed every month.