Paperworks is a special place to be. Trainees feel like they belong, they know that they will be supported to achieve their goals and will be understood by those around them. It is a place of safety and trust where you can be yourself and celebrate who you are. Every day is an opportunity to grow, to learn something new and be part of a team.
We use a person-centred approach, which means that we start by celebrating what people can do and helping them build upwards. There are four aspects we focus on to showcase achievements with the trainee at the centre.
At Paperworks we aim to do a review with trainees every 6 months. After the initial first 2 months a trainee has joined, we will have their first review. In this we sit down and plan outcomes that they would like to achieve. This is separated into 4 different areas for trainees (easy-read) and 6 for staff (outcomes). We simplify the outcomes for the trainees, so they understand what the main aims are.
We set ourselves goals and are supported to achieve them in the workshop. Below is an example of one of our trainees goals.
Every few months we review where we think we are and set new goals.
Here are some examples:
Cheung wanted to be able to teach Makaton to others, which is one of his goals. He was given the responsibility of choosing the Makaton of the week sign and sharing it with others – we now know lots of signs!
Dara wanted to be more independent and chose to have more responsibility as one of his goals. He was trained to empty to the shredder and now does this regularly for others. This has also encouraged him to do more things for himself and learn new tasks.
I am training and learning how to complete tasks with support.
We have a jam-packed workshop, where the majority of our daily fulfilment work is done. Trainees learn a vast range of work skills as they participate in various jobs, whether working on their own, in pairs, or in small groups and production lines.
Here are some examples of the things they undertake:
This can be anything from counting and placing screws into bags to really complex hamper boxes.
E.g. wrapping bath bombs, applying stickers and barcodes.